All About Us
Experienced Breeder of Champion Devon Rex for over two decades.
Meet Rebecca Ansari of Barashta Devon Rex Cattery.
Our breeding philosophy at Barashta Devon Rex is:
A reputable breeder has a goal of improving the breed. One of, though not the only, measurement is made through showing at cat shows. Here are some of my results:
ACFA 2001-2002 – Int’l 2nd Best Devon Rex Alter – Desert Waves Sean Sidhe of Barashta
ACFA 2002-2003 – Int’l Best Devon Rex Cat – TGC Capilano’s Arafel of Barashta
ACFA 2003-2004 – Int’l Best Devon Rex Kitten – Barashta’s Ariel
ACFA 2011-2012 – Int’l Best Devon Rex Cat – Barashta’s Princess Aspasia
ACFA 2012-2013
– Int’l Best Devon Rex Cat – GRC Barashta’s Point Too Far ‘Farah’
– Int’l 2nd Best Devon Rex Cat – Barashta’s Princess Aspasia
ACFA 2013 – Became Devon Rex Breed Chair in American Cat Fanciers (ACFA)
TICA 2021-2022:
Int’l 8th Best Devon Rex, Regional Win Best Devon Rex & 20th Best Cat, Great Lakes Region – QGC Kocia Mafia’s Celine of Barashta
I register my pedigrees with:
*Cat Fanciers Association (CFA)
*American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA)
*The International Cat Association (TICA)
*Loving Cats World Wide (LCWW)
I have shown my cats in all of them.
In 1999, Barashta Devon Rex cattery started in the tried-and-true way: one year of researching by reading everything I could get my hands on and networking with Devon Rex breeders followed by getting my first show Devon Rex, a neutered male kitten named Desert Waves Sean Sidhe of Barashta. I had to show him for a full year; that was the promise I had to fulfill to prove to breeders that I was a safe person to entrust with the results of their labor, their genetic lines. Sean became my heart kitty, the one it was okay for me to lavish all my love and attention on. At the time I thought adding an additional cat to the total number of cats in my future cattery was illogical. After all, cats are not herd animals and the more cats, the higher the stress level of each individual. But at some point I realized the cat fancy must have reasons for why things are done in a certain way, in a particular order, and I simply followed what my mentors told me had to be done if I wanted to do right by my cats plus be taken seriously as a reputable breeder. At the end of that first year of showing, four different breeders each agreed to place one of the four cats that became the foundation of Barashta Devon Rex.
Living in Minneapolis provided driving challenges in getting to shows since I soon had an infant son to bring with me while my husband remained at home to look after the cattery. Sometimes Nancy Poulos, my local mentor, a Persian/Exotic breeder who was president of our local cat club and who taught me many hands-on things about cat care, would help me out by agenting my show cats so I could stay home. I was so lucky that Mary Robinson, who imported the first Devon Rex into North America, agreed to mentor me in Devon Rex. Mary spent many hours with me teaching me what to look for in each of the areas that make up the Devon Rex Standard of Perfection. Both Nancy and Mary were lost to cancer.
In the years that followed, I gained additional experience in caring for cats as a veterinary clinic receptionist, veterinary technician, pharmacy technician, and the clinic’s office manager. The veterinarian was very focused on first eliminating problems caused by what the animals were eating and drinking; I learned many things about feline nutrition.
After two decades, it is time for a change. Time for me to start thinking of working with other breeders in collaboration and transitioning to passing on what Nancy and Mary and experience have taught me. If you are interested in becoming a Devon Rex breeder and do not yet have a mentor, you may reach out to me. Going forward, my home base will be in sunny south Florida instead of the sometimes frozen land of Minnesota. Turns out it is even easier to fly kittens to their new homes when I’m surrounded by many airports instead of being limited to just one.
Barashta Devon Rex is a small celebrated Devon Rex cattery opened in over two decades ago (where does the time go?!).
Every cat or kitten comes with the following:
* Health Document from veterinarian
* Altered (spay/neuter)
* FELV/FIV test
* Fecal test
* Up-to-date on vaccinations including rabies
* Microchipped
* 5-year Health Guarantee against congenital defects
* 1-Month free pet health insurance (through Trupanion)
* Pedigree registration through CFA, TICA LCWW or ACFA
* Support & assistance for the life of your Devon Rex
​*My kittens do not leave until they are at least 4 months old, no exceptions. While I will not ship cats or kittens via cargo, I can bring your kitten to you or you can come get them.
​*We do not have kittens immediately available as we are always working from a waiting list which averages 6-18 months to reserve a specific individual. Kittens are made available to the wait group once observation determines they are not headed into a breeding program. If you would like to apply and get to know the families that already have my Devons, please ask for an application.
Please know that I do not sell kittens or cats with breeding rights unless you are a well established breeder and we have spent several months evaluating and getting to know each other. Mentoring those interested in becoming part of the cat fancy for showing or breeding is possible to those that demonstrate a genuine desire to learn. Your initial inquiry should demonstrate what you’ve learned from independent research of the large amount of How To articles on the internet.
A personal note: Not that many years ago I was diagnosed with autism, which explains a lot!
I ask that you contact me through my Facebook cattery page: